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Thursday, December 24, 2020

चर्म रोग किस विटामिन की कमी से होता है?


आजकल कई लोगों को चर्म रोग के बारे में जानकारी नहीं होती और कई ऐसे लोग है जो की चर्म रोग से पीड़ित हुए है। लेकिन सभी को यह जानना बहुत जरूरी है की आखिर चर्मरोग किन कारणों से होता है। चर्म रोग का सबसे प्रमुख कारण होता है खून की खराबी। अब सवाल यह उठता है कि खून खराब क्यों होता है?

खून खराब होने के कारण हो:-

⏺समय पर भोजन ना करना यह सामान्यत एक कारण होता है।

⏺दूसरा कारण भोजन में अधिक मात्रा में मिर्च मसाले का               उपयोग करने से भी खून खराब हो सकता है।

⏺तीसरा प्रमुख कारण मछली और दूध एक साथ सेवन                  करना और केला करेला तथा दही निम्बू का एक साथ सेवन          करने से भी खून खराब होने लगता है।साथ ही नाड़ी की              दुर्बलता होने के कारण और कब्ज, अजीर्ण के कारण भी खून      की खराबी हो सकती है।

इसीलिए कभी भी मछली और दूध तथा केला करेला और निम्बू दही तथा शहद और निम्बू का एकसाथ सेवन ना करे। और ज्यादातर भोजन समय पर करने की आदत डाल दें। इसके साथ ही भोजन में अधिक मात्रा में मिर्च मसाले का उपयोग ना करें।

चर्मरोग का पता कैसे करे:-

चर्मरोग का पता करने के कई सुझाव हो सकते है जैसे कि, त्वचा पर दरार पड़ना, फोड़े फुंसी, खाज खुजली, त्वचा पर चकते पड़ जाना, पेट का साफ ना रहना साथ ही खून नीला सा दिखाई देने लगा हो इत्यादि से पता चल जाता है की व्यक्ति को चर्मरोग हुआ है। यदि आपको चर्म रोग हुआ है तो उसके बाद आपको क्या करना चाहिए इसके बारे में थोड़ी सी जानकारी आपको दे देते हैं।

घरेलू नुस्खे:-

⏺यदि आपको चर्म रोग हुआ है तो रात को गरम पानी के साथ        हरड़ का चूर्ण पिएं जिससे आपको फर्क महसूस होने लगेगा।

⏺लौकी की सब्जी को बिना नमक के बनाकर सेवन करें।

⏺नीम के छाल को पीसकर उसने कपूर मिलाएं और उस मिश्रण      को अपने त्वचा पर उस जगह पर लगाई जहां पर आपको चर्म      रोग हुआ हो।

⏺शरीर का जो हिस्सा चर्म रोग से पीड़ित है उस हिस्से पर गोमूत्र       लगा है और 10 मिनट बाद इसे धो दे।

⏺जहाँ कही भी चर्मरोग हो वहाँपर दिन में 3 से 4 बार पानी के        साथ फिटकरी को रगड़े और फिर नार्मल पानी से धो दे।              फिटकरी स्किन के इन्फेक्शन को दूर करने के लिए लाभदायक      होता है।

यह थे कुछ घरेलू नुस्खे यदि आपको इस नुस्खों से फायदा ना हो तो डॉक्टर की सलाह जरूर ले। जवाब पढ़ने के लिए धन्यवाद।

Sunday, October 4, 2020

Giving A Doctor The Upper Hand

 Several months ago I presented a seminar to a group of poker players on 

how to use nonverbal behavior to read their opponents’ hands and win 

more money at the tables. Because poker is a game that emphasizes 

bluffing and deception, players have a keen interest in being able to read 

the tells of their opponents. For them, decoding nonverbal communica-

tions is critical to success. While many were grateful for the insights I 

provided, what startled me was how many seminar participants were able 

to see the value of understanding and utilizing nonverbal behavior beyond 

the poker table.

Two weeks after the session ended I received an e-mail from one of 

the participants, a physician from Texas. “What I find most amazing,” he 

wrote me, “is that what I learned in your seminar has also helped me in my 

practice. The nonverbals you taught us in order to read poker players have 

helped me read my patients, too. Now I can sense when they are uncom-

fortable, confident, or not being entirely truthful.” The doctor’s note speaks 

to the universality of nonverbals and their value in all facets of life.

Tuesday, September 15, 2020

2 Popular Diet Trends to Try in 2020 - Fad Diets That Actually Work


Are you getting into the healthy diet trend? Good for you! We’re not even being sarcastic here – it truly is a great idea regardless of whether you wish to avoid acquiring the heart disease gene running in your blood or simply want to enrich your nutritional plan. Many of these wonder foods have been sourced organically and they are packed with all sorts of antioxidants and nutrients that will improve your overall well-being. Health conditions like diabetes, clogged arteries, obesity, high cholesterol, and high blood pressure can be prevented with a great eating regimen. This list is full of herbs, vegetables, and other good stuff to help you launch a heart-healthy diet!


Let us begin the list with some oranges! These fruits are excellent as a source of refreshment. They are full of fiber, nutrients, and vitamin C. They also have high levels of pectin, a soluble fiber that is helpful in the absorption of cholesterol from food. Let’s’ not forget oranges also come with ample amounts of potassium, which then helps decrease blood pressure and sodium intake in addition to its ability to neutralize proteins that contribute to heart failure and heart scar tissue.

Red Wine

Yup, it is not a bad thing to indulge every now and then! You can take a glass of red wine as a nightcap or an accompaniment to your dinner as a means to keep the doctor away. Experts have revealed that consuming it in moderation can boost one’s HDL levels as well as reduce cholesterol build-up. Aside from these excellent health benefits, red wine also comes with antioxidants that help in the prevention of coronary heart disease. It also reduces blood clots by guaranteeing the flexibility of blood vessels.

Tuesday, August 18, 2020


 A memorable example of how body language can sometimes be more 

truthful than verbal language involved the rape of a young woman on the 

Parker Indian Reservation in Arizona. A suspect in the case was brought 

in for questioning. His words sounded convincing and his story was plau-

sible. He claimed he hadn’t seen the victim and while out in a field had 

gone down a row of cotton, turned left, and then walked straight to his 

house. While my colleagues jotted down notes about what they were 

hearing, I kept my eyes on the suspect and saw that as he told the story 

about turning left and going home, his hand gestured to his right, which 

was exactly the direction that led to the rape scene. If I hadn’t been 

watching him, I wouldn’t have caught the discrepancy between his verbal 

(“I went left”) and nonverbal (hand gesturing to the right) behavior. But 

once I saw it I suspected he was lying. I waited a while and then con-

fronted him again, and in the end he confessed to the crime.

Friday, August 14, 2020

In The Blink Of An Eye

 “Eye-blocking” is a nonverbal behavior that can occur when we feel 

threatened and/or don’t like what we see. Squinting (as in the case with 

my classmates, described above) and closing or shielding our eyes are 

actions that have evolved to protect the brain from “seeing” undesirable 

images and to communicate our disdain toward others.

As an investigator, I used eye-blocking behaviors to assist in the arson 

investigation of a tragic hotel fire in Puerto Rico that claimed ninety-seven 

lives. A security guard came under immediate suspicion because the 

blaze broke out in an area where he was assigned. One of the ways we 

determined he had nothing to do with starting the fire was by asking him 

some very specific questions as to where he was before the fire, at the 

time of the fire, and whether or not he set the fire. After each question 

I observed his face for any telltale signs of eye-block behavior. His eyes 

blocked only when questioned about where he was when the fire started. 

Oddly, in contrast, he did not seem troubled by the question, “Did you set 

the fire?” This told me the real issue was his location at the time of the 

fire, not his possible involvement in setting the fire. He was questioned 

further on this topic by the lead investigators and eventually admitted to 

leaving his post to visit his girlfriend, who also worked at the hotel. Unfor-

tunately, while he was gone, the arsonists entered the area he should 

have been guarding and started the fire.

In this case, the guard’s eye-blocking behavior gave us the insight we 

needed to pursue a line of questioning that eventually broke the case 

open. In the end, three arsonists responsible for the tragic blaze were ar-

rested and convicted of the crime. The security guard, while woefully 

negligent and burdened with tremendous guilt, was not, however, the 



 किसी की उतनी ही कदर करे,

  जितनी वह आपकी करता है,

     बेहिसाब कदर आपका सुकून तबाह कर देगी।

Monday, August 10, 2020


 एक पल के लिए ही सही,

किसी और की चेहरे की मुस्कान


चर्म रोग किस विटामिन की कमी से होता है?

चर्मरोग ,  आजकल कई लोगों को चर्म रोग के बारे में जानकारी नहीं होती और कई ऐसे लोग है जो की चर्म रोग से पीड़ित हुए है। लेकिन सभी को यह जानना बह...